Renewed in Hope

Our mission

The Servants of the Holy Spirit Corporation is dedicated to walking alongside individuals transitioning from the darkness of addiction to the light of recovery and spiritual renewal. Rooted in the Catholic faith and inspired by the mission of Community Cenacolo, our organization provides holistic support and resources to empower individuals on their journey to reclaiming their lives.

Our Services

  • Those who return to living with family are more likely to relapse. We are here as a resource for those looking for affordable rentals and roommates alike. Providing short-term rent subsidies to help reduce the initial cost of housing.

  • Assistance in reducing the initial cost of transportation by paying a portion of a vehicle down payment or an existing loan repayment.

    Connecting vehicle donors with those in need of transportation.

  • Resume writing and job placement assistance are offered. The cost of education is reduced by partnering with various nonprofit and governmental organizations to offer job training opportunities. A pool of honorable, like-minded, Spirit-lead employers has been developed; employers inclined to hire and support these conscientious, hard-working young adults. (Job board coming soon)

  • Catholic counseling provided for those struggling in addiction, depression, anxiety, relationships, etc. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our volunteer counselors or interested in volunteering your services, please contact us for more details. (Only serving the St. Augustine area at this time)

Contact Us

How you can help

Please contact us…

-If you are a Spirit-led employer or landlord.

-If you would like to donate a used car.

-If you would like to volunteer or help in some way.